•  Uxbridge, Ontario, Canada

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Marjolyn Pritchard

Marjolyn Pritchard's love of working with glass has gradually moved from intricate stained glass to whimsical fused glass work.


I have loved creating stained glass pieces for years.

However, my busy work career allowed only limited time for this hobby. Once I retired I finally found the time I craved and decided to pursue a different glass medium - fused glass.

Over the past 3 years, I have experimented and discovered that fused glass can be worked using many different techniques to create unique and beautiful effects.

I have also found that glass doesn't necessarily need to be hung in a window to be appreciated. I look forward to sharing some new pieces with those coming to the Uxbridge studio tour

Glass Works by Marjolyn Pritchard

Glass Works by Marjolyn Pritchard

Studio 14

For 2024 Marjolyn will be showing her work at the Uxbridge studio of painter Sharon Nielsen along with fellow guest artists Krista Sweet and Gwen Park.


If you would like to purchase a piece of Marjolyn's work or to request a commission piece, contact her directly by email.

Studio 14 - 54 Cedar Street North, Uxbridge


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Uxbridge Studio Tour

Couldn't we all use a little more art right now?
art challenges perception

For 2024 we are looking forward to an open-doors studio tour without the need for appointments! Check back often to learn more about this year's tour.

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